Your Goals, Realized


Here’s how we work with our Adventurers:

Peace of Mind

We measure and log everything for you, so you don’t need to worry about keeping track of your progress.

Large Group Trainings

Our large group trainings are for up to 30 Adventurers. Sessions are 45 minutes long and shapesmith-led.

Form Correction

We work you through every exercise so you learn quickly!

Built-For-You Programs

All of our clients get a program that is built to their needs. You’ll never need to go at it alone!

Meet Your Shapesmiths

Alexander Kodama

Alexander Kodama

Master Shapesmith and Founder

Alexander began his fitness journey when he was 21.

After rediscovering an injury in his back in his first 6 months of training, he decided to learn as much as he could about the safer ways to train.

He has been coaching since 2019 and holds a Flexible Steel certification, SFG1 from Strong First, and NASM CPT certification.

In his spare time he plays with his five cats and one dog, studies math and programming for fun, and reads constantly. His passion is in learning and in creating things that help people better themselves.

Gavin Matthews

Gavin Matthews

Journeyman Shapesmith

Gavin began coaching in his late teens, quickly proving to be something of a prodigy in the field. He holds several certifications from NASM and in his spare time enjoys fishing and spending time with his family.