Stop Working Out Strapless!
In this post I am going to show you
- Why you should use lifting straps for the big lifts
- How to put them on
- What you should do to improve your grip
- The muscles you are trying to grow do not get enough stimulation when your grip fails. Straps prevent this and help you grow faster
- See the video below for instructions on putting them on.
- Train your grip 3 times a week with loaded carries, wrist curls, and wrist extensions. There are loads of other exercises you could do as well.

“Never use straps, you won’t build up your grip if you do.”
This is the lie I was told when I first started lifting.
“Grip strength is positively correlated with longevity, so it must be essential to making sure you’re healthy, right? Also, I don’t want to be WEAK”
This was the excuse I’ve heard many times when people explain why they don’t use straps.
The truth is, if you use straps, you will have to work your grip strength elsewhere. But you should fire any coach who says you should never use straps.
Why you need straps.
Your muscles can take a far greater beating than your grip will have you believe.
Every time I have someone do pull-ups, deadlifts, or rows I find that they all tend to quit right when their grip starts to fail.
Unfortunately this means they’re leaving 2-6 reps on the table.
Does this really matter?
Muscle growth is best around 0-2 reps from burnout. That means that if you stop 4 or 5 reps before that then you’re lengthening the time it would normally take you to grow a crazy factor each set.
There are few things more discouraging than lengthening the time it takes to reach your goals.
Your muscles are already THAT much stronger than your grip, and there is no good reason not to use straps, especially if you can do a full range of motion with the movement with proper form.
Don’t let that hold you back.
How to put on straps
How Should I Improve My Grip Then?
Grip should be improved the same way you grow all your other muscles: 3 times a week for about 10-18 sets per week.
There are a ton of exercises you can use to grow your grip: Wrist curls, loaded carries (farmer’s and suitcase are my favorites), and writs extensions are the more common ones.
Another way you can do this is by always doing your warm up sets without straps.
This allows you to train your grip before the serious work begins.
And don’t get me wrong here, you should improve your grip strength. It can mean the difference between independance and dependance during old age, and between life or death if you fall.
Grip strength is correlated with longevity for a reason. It can save your life.
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Hope it helps.