Cyberviking Programs

Who we Work Best With

We work best with highly motivated people looking to gain muscle or reduce joint pain while lifting.

 If you like kettlebells, are dealing with joint pain, want to lose weight, or are training for specific physique goals we can help you!


Program Goblin

This is a free beginner to intermediate program that you can use for a whole year! All you need to do is click the link to your right. We will be improving this as we build our resource library so check again for updates!

Coming soon

Beginner 8-week Booty Program
$50 one-time payment

This is a hands-off program for women looking to add some thiccness to their backside. Our founder Alexander built this program to nearly double the size of his wife’s booty, so he knows it works!


$80/mo billed yearly or
$90/mo billed monthly

This is a tailored program for those looking to work on their own personal goals and are comfortable with their progress being shared. You can choose to pay monthly or yearly and you get a new program and a progress call every 6 weeks, 2 video form corrections per month, and access to our growing library of health and fitness resources.

$100/mo billed yearly or $150/mo billed monthly

This is a super program for those looking to get the most out of personal training online and who are comfortable with their progress being shared. You will get a new program every 6 weeks, progress call every 3 weeks, 2 video form corrections per week, access to our resource library, and text workout reminders.

Cyber uberberserker

This is the superior program for which we will only take on 5 clients per year who are comfortable with their progress being shared. You will get a new program every 4-12 weeks, progress calls every 3 weeks, unlimited video form corrections per week, a weekly nutrition call, daily accountability reminders, access to our resource library and 1 zoom workout per month.  

No Pain, All Gains

Real Work.
  Real Results.